Thursday, June 24, 2010

Girlfriend, your a STALKER!!!

Dear Abbey,
I have been seeing this guy off and on for a couple years now but we are still not in a committed relationship. I think is he seeing other girls so I figured out not only his password on his facebook but on his phone too & I check his messages all the time. I know its not healthy or normal but I can't stop doing it. Should I confront him on hooking up with these other girls? We have been together for so long & I still think that we will end up together, should I give him an ultimatium? Do you think there is a chance that we can be in a normal relationship? I don't really want to break up but I am sick of being treated like crap!!


Dear Laura, 
Do you ever want to date again? Then STOP stalking this dude. Its pretty obvious that he is just using you as a booty call & that he doesn't want a relationship with you. You are letting this dude walk all over need to stand up for YOURSELF!!! I wouldn't really give him an ultimatium because unless he is a dumbass, he knows you want an exclusive relationship. I would just say 'peace' to this guy & move on. PLUS this guy seems to be bringing out your inner stalker & its best to nip this one at the bud. I say, break up & stop talking to this guy. Trust me, if he loves you & really wants to be with you...he will change his ways!!! You can do it Laura : - ) 

Sunday, June 20, 2010

He's just NOT that into you!!!!

Dear Abbey,
I have been dating this guy for almost a month now & he is making no effort to make a commitment to me. We have already slept together & we do everything that boyfriends and girlfriends do but he keeps telling me he just got out of a long relationship & doesnt want a relationship right now. I really like him but I get the feeling I am more into him that he is into me. Should I be hopeful that he will come around or am I wasting my time? -Mary

Dear Mary,
Have you ever heard the saying, "He's just NOT that into you"? Well I defintley think this is the case. It sounds like he is either using you as the rebound or just putting you in the friends with benefit category. It sounds like you are looking for a relationship so you are wasting time hanging with this guy who is just looking for a good time. My advice to you would be to dump this guy & stay single AND availabe til the right guy comes around. Trust me, you will know when the guy is into you because he will be taking you on dates & courting you like any gentleman should. As much fun as your having with this guy, its bound to end in heartbreak because us girls are MUCH more emotional than guys especially after you sleep together. You have an emotional attachment to him & its going to be very hard when you find out your not the only girl on his rooster, if you know what I mean : ) You deserve much better so don't sell yourself short!!!
