Thursday, June 24, 2010

Girlfriend, your a STALKER!!!

Dear Abbey,
I have been seeing this guy off and on for a couple years now but we are still not in a committed relationship. I think is he seeing other girls so I figured out not only his password on his facebook but on his phone too & I check his messages all the time. I know its not healthy or normal but I can't stop doing it. Should I confront him on hooking up with these other girls? We have been together for so long & I still think that we will end up together, should I give him an ultimatium? Do you think there is a chance that we can be in a normal relationship? I don't really want to break up but I am sick of being treated like crap!!


Dear Laura, 
Do you ever want to date again? Then STOP stalking this dude. Its pretty obvious that he is just using you as a booty call & that he doesn't want a relationship with you. You are letting this dude walk all over need to stand up for YOURSELF!!! I wouldn't really give him an ultimatium because unless he is a dumbass, he knows you want an exclusive relationship. I would just say 'peace' to this guy & move on. PLUS this guy seems to be bringing out your inner stalker & its best to nip this one at the bud. I say, break up & stop talking to this guy. Trust me, if he loves you & really wants to be with you...he will change his ways!!! You can do it Laura : - ) 

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