Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Are we to blame????

Hi Everyone!! So I had to do a 30 second rant about a topic for my Hosting Class & I choose Reality TV. As I posted before, there are SO many unrealistic Reality Shows out there. It shouldn't be called 'Reality TV', it should be called
'Fantasy TV' because only in a Fantasy world would hot chicks want to date a 31 year old who lives in his parent's basement & doesn't have a job therefore can't support himself. What world are we really living in when Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashians are our Role Models...really? So your telling me, make a SEX tape & you too will have your reality show, perfume, clothing line..heck my friends had to go to FIDM!! To get to my point, ARE WE TO BLAME? I mean we are the ones watching this nonsense!! I totally get the mindless TV part but what makes me mad is there isn't a show out there that shows the hundreds of struggling Actors, Musicians, Hosts, trying to make it in this business. As much as I love mindless TV, I want to see someone that I can relate to!! Don't you? I think we waste a lot of our time & energy worrying about what celebrities do. TMZ has become a disease & what does Harvey Levin really say to himself  at night when its head hits the pillow?? 'Wow I did absoultey nothing today to better society'. If you agree with me or not, you just got your dose of REALITY CHECK!!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Have you ever caught yourself watching a Reality Show that is FAR from Reality? Like "The Hills", I don't know about you but I have NEVER walked into a club past the 100 people in line to the bouncer, smiled & got into the club. Even when I am with friends that are supposively connected, we still have to wait in line like dumb idiots. Unless your Paris Hilton or a some what of a celeb, your going wait outside like everybody else. OR how about "The Basement Affair with Frank the Entertainer" who wants to date a 30-something year old who still lives with his parents? And obviously has NO money? The only reason why these girls do is because he was on a couple Reality Shows & in their mind he's Famous!! WOW, the bar has definitley been lowered. I want you all to tell me what shows you feel need a Reality Check & I will do a weekly webisode called 'Reality Check'!!! : - )

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Weekly Hottopic!!!

Hi Everyone!!
I am going to write in every week with a NEW Hottopic!! If there is a Hottopic you would like to discuss, feel free to email me!! I think this week it would have to be the rumor that Howard Stern is going to replace Simon Cowell on American Idol. It's just a rumor, OR is it? Who knows, stranger things have happened. I mean Paula was replaced by Ellen, who really doesn't know much about music other than she likes to dance to it on her show. How hard is it to be a judge on American Idol anyways. You can tell who can sing & who sounds like a dying cat! So what do you guys think? Pro Howard Stern? Or are you against it? The show will definitley get viewers they never had before & just may lose viewers. I mean its suppose to be a Family show, no one is going to let their kids watch Howard Sterd. I am sure half the time you won't be able to make out what he says because there are so many blEEPs, true? He will rate the girls based on their boob size instead of their vocal talent & the guys..well I don't think they will stand a chance to win while the STERN is in charge. Don't worry, for now its just a RUMOR!! : )

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Introduction to BLOGGING!!!

Hi Everyone!!
This is my very FIRST Blog so bear with me. My name is Abbey Scott & I am pursuing Acing, Music & Entertainment Reporting. I am first & foremost I am a Singer/Songwriter. I love music & writing comes most naturally to me. I am HUGE Movie Fanatic so thats why I began pursuing Acting. I just recently starting reporting for Maximo TV which has been such a blessing. I have been able to see a whole other world I never knew about before. I am able to interview A to D List Celeberites & be a part of the Red Carpet scene. I will enclose the link to my Official Website where I have links to my Music, Videos, Interviews & MORE!!! I would love for you all to check out my site & I will do my best to blog about interesting stuff & keep you all entertained. STAY TUNED!! : - )


Official Website: