Monday, February 15, 2010


Have you ever caught yourself watching a Reality Show that is FAR from Reality? Like "The Hills", I don't know about you but I have NEVER walked into a club past the 100 people in line to the bouncer, smiled & got into the club. Even when I am with friends that are supposively connected, we still have to wait in line like dumb idiots. Unless your Paris Hilton or a some what of a celeb, your going wait outside like everybody else. OR how about "The Basement Affair with Frank the Entertainer" who wants to date a 30-something year old who still lives with his parents? And obviously has NO money? The only reason why these girls do is because he was on a couple Reality Shows & in their mind he's Famous!! WOW, the bar has definitley been lowered. I want you all to tell me what shows you feel need a Reality Check & I will do a weekly webisode called 'Reality Check'!!! : - )

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