Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Are we to blame????

Hi Everyone!! So I had to do a 30 second rant about a topic for my Hosting Class & I choose Reality TV. As I posted before, there are SO many unrealistic Reality Shows out there. It shouldn't be called 'Reality TV', it should be called
'Fantasy TV' because only in a Fantasy world would hot chicks want to date a 31 year old who lives in his parent's basement & doesn't have a job therefore can't support himself. What world are we really living in when Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashians are our Role Models...really? So your telling me, make a SEX tape & you too will have your reality show, perfume, clothing line..heck my friends had to go to FIDM!! To get to my point, ARE WE TO BLAME? I mean we are the ones watching this nonsense!! I totally get the mindless TV part but what makes me mad is there isn't a show out there that shows the hundreds of struggling Actors, Musicians, Hosts, trying to make it in this business. As much as I love mindless TV, I want to see someone that I can relate to!! Don't you? I think we waste a lot of our time & energy worrying about what celebrities do. TMZ has become a disease & what does Harvey Levin really say to himself  at night when its head hits the pillow?? 'Wow I did absoultey nothing today to better society'. If you agree with me or not, you just got your dose of REALITY CHECK!!!!

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